The governance Structuring Phase is another important phase in building an organisation as it provides a structured data foundation of information on which to start delivering all the work that is going to take place. Just like building a house, the foundation on which to start is vital, by structuring this correctly, makes the administration that goes with the delivery activities a seamless and complex free as possible. This phase is about planning the activities and foundational structure for successful delivery and operational sustainability, providing the organisation with the necessary structure and processes to manage and adapt to changing circumstances effectively.
Inception Phase Definition Phase Structuring Phase Delivery Phase Organisation Ready - MAIN MENU
Step by step guide below**:**
<aside> 💡 For more context of what each item represents, click the toggle arrow bullet next to each of the bullets below. Click on the links to the right to make the related additions and updates.
Ready to update Structuring Details —> Planning Governance
Structuring Status & Checklist
All complete then proceed to —> Delivery Phase